Massage eerste trimester Amsterdam

First Trimester Pregnancy Massage

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MASSAGES DURING THE FIRST TRIMESTER (and why this is indeed a good idea)


Is it safe for me, to get a first trimester massage?

Your pregnancy is a very special period. Whether or not you've landed on that proverbial cloud nine, this time can sometimes bring discomfort and complaints, especially during the first trimester.

Many massage therapists refrain from offering massages before 12 weeks. The reason behind this is that most miscarriages occur during this first trimester, and of course, no masseur wants to be held responsible.

While we can appreciate this concern, we firmly believe there is no causal link between the two. In fact, we believe in the power of massages during the first trimester.

Zwangerschapsmassage tijdens het eerste trimester

Why should I schedule massages during the first trimester?

Less Nausea and Fatigue:

Nausea and fatigue are common during the first trimester. Booking regular massages can help you relax, reduce nausea, and improve circulation, thereby reducing the often overwhelming fatigue.

Reduced Stress:

Especially during a first pregnancy, this time can be a little nerve-wracking. You might not know what lies ahead. A calming massage can promote relaxation, release endorphins, and reduce stress hormones, making you feel better and more at ease.

Goodbye to Pain and Discomfort:

If you're experiencing physical discomfort like back pain, headaches, and muscle tension during the first trimester, our massage therapists use techniques to alleviate these discomforts without endangering your pregnancy.

Better Sleep:

Suddenly, sleep might become a challenge when you need it most. Massages help improve your sleep quality.

Magical Connection:

The earlier you begin prenatal massages, the sooner you connect with your changing body and the growing baby inside. It makes you more aware of how you feel. And as a (expectant) mother, self-care can't start soon enough. You can't pour from an empty cup, right?


How we work

When you visit us during the first trimester, we will naturally consult with you about your preferences and any specific complaints. Our therapists are highly experienced and trained. We tailor the massage to your wishes and specific complaints, ensuring that you and your baby are safe and comfortable. In other words, you're in very capable hands. 😊

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