Relaxation massage

The best time to relax, is when you don't have time for it

At Arigato, it takes less than an our to:

  • Recharge
  • Relax
  • Reset

Your very own mini retreat

You’re living the rat race, day and night, all the time.
While you’d love to take a break, go on vacation, hang out on the beach for a couple months. But duty calls..
Give us a small hour to make life revolve around you again. We’ll help you reset, relax and feel reborn.

Are you having trouble sleeping?

Did you know that an hour long massage can count for six hours of sleep? And that a massage will help you sleep better in general?

Find yourself again

Bags under your eyes? Short tempered? We’ve got the recharge you need, all you have to do is come and plug yourself in to it. Frequent massages can help you brim with energy again. It’s time to shine!

Make some headspace

Switch off your phone - and your head! Take a moment to listen to your body’s bright, soft voice. It always tells the truth. All you have to do is listen, every once in a while..