Pregnancy Massage amsterdam

Pregnancy Massage Amsterdam

Preganancy Massage: Welcome at Arigato

Selfcare is not selfish, it s necessairy. You need to take care of yourself first, before you can take care of others

Pregnancy massage Amsterdam

You are extra critical of who touches your body - and where

In this very special time you are looking to take good care of both yourself and the little one in your belly. At Arigato, we are equipped with massage tables with a belly hole to make you extra comfortable while we treat your ever changing body.

We have been giving prenatal massages since 2007 and are recommended by, among others, Carita Salome (Sandra nowadays), as well as multiple midwives and pelvic physiotherapists.

Pregnancy massage for complains

Not sure how to lie down?

At Arigato, we like to make sure you’re comfortable in your skin - and on your belly! Even when you’re expecting. You might even fall asleep during your prenatal massage, you wouldn’t be the first! A massage by one of our licensed professionals is a moment of pure relaxation that can last for days.

Pelvic problems?

Did you know that pelvic pain is often caused by tight gluteal muscles (your behind, in normal English)? We can help you loosen up, giving lots of space for relaxation and a pain free pregnancy!

Pregnant women fotoshoot at Arigato Amsterdam

We make physical problems go away. Shoo!

Did you know that most of the vague aches you may feel are a way for your body to tell you to relax? While perhaps you can’t take a break as often as you’d like, we’ve successfully treated issues such as:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Back- neck- and shoulder pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Fluid retention
  • Tight groin muscles
  • Cramped muscles (such as calves)
  • Restless Leg Syndrome

Powerful massages in more ways than one

Our massages are, of course, very relaxing. That doesn’t mean they are a petting, though! We completely understand that your pregnancy hasn’t suddenly turned you into a porcelain doll, and your muscles won’t loosen up by just looking at them.

Special table for pregnant woman

Book ahead

To make sure we have a spot open for you, book ahead! Prenatal massages are really quite popular with us - come find out why 🙂

Want to enjoy a massage every day?

Tell your partner to learn how to do it. Seriously - we created a wonderful online training for you to attend together!